APPOINTMENT As a Pradesh Manwadhikar Sangthan MEMBER

Only the National President has the authority to appoint a person on any position, others can only refer or recommend to him and If the membership is not approved by the president of the Pradesh Manwadhikar Sangthan, the reason for the refusal shall be communicated to the person / applicant concerned.

NOTE: The decision of the Chairman / National President shall be final and binding.


The admission fee and the subscription for all Unit Members shall be as under unless otherwise revised by the governing body of Pradesh Manwadhikar Sangthan.

MEMBER’S POST | DESIGNATION IN THE Pradesh Manwadhikar Sangthan

The Member of the Organisation will be appointed on the POST according to his qualification and capability to serve the Community. The members can get the Post in a Ward, Gram, Block,Tehsil, District, City, States, in all over India, as President / deputy president / mahamantri / mahasachiv / sachiv / sangthan mantri / sah sangthan mantri / vyavastha mantri / soochna mantri / prachar mantri / varishtha upadhyaksh / pravakta / pramukh maha sachiv / Chief Observer / Observer / Chief reporting Officer / Reporting Officer / Chief Co-ordinator / Co-ordinator / Executive President / Vice President / Chief Secretary / Joint Secretary / Human Welfare Sec. / Minority Welfare Sec. / Women Empowerment Sec. / Administrative Sec. / Information Secretary / Crime Monitoring Sec. / Vigilance Secretary / Organizing Secretary / Legal Advisor. It may be decided by the President. All the members / Wings shall have to report directly to the National President for various activities or any social & legal problems faced by local people. NOTE: a) The term ‘MEMBER’ shall mean and include only that person whose name is entered in the membership register. Members shall not be entitled to claim any refund of membership fee or any other amount paid to Pradesh Manwadhikar Sangthan and the Society shall not be liable to refund any such amount paid under any circumstances.

b) All new appointed members has responsibility to bring 5 members to join, as a member of the Organisation before completion of one month of joining.
c) All the Wings president / all levels of president has the responsibility to develop their units.


The governing body of the Pradesh Manwadhikar Sangthan shall have the power to expel / terminate a member or / and members, from the membership of Pradesh Manwadhikar Sangthan, on the following grounds;

  • a) on his / her death:
  • b) on written resignation
  • c) if found to be involved in any anti-social activities
  • d) if adjudged by any court of law to be a criminal offender
  • e) if member works against the aims and objects of the Pradesh Manwadhikar Sangthan
  • f) if failing to pay the up-to date membership subscription within one month of the due date
  • g) if disregards rules and regulations or disobey the decisions of the governing body/National President.
  • NOTE: The decisions of the National President regarding the termination from the membership of the Organisation shall be communicated to the member concerned.